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Childcare Advice

Caring for children can be unpredictable at the best of times and there may be occasions when you need to arrange for your children to attend a childcare setting or activity based programme. There is a range of registered or approved quality childcare services available across the country providing safe, caring play and educational environments for your children and providing opportunities for you to use them to support your family's needs.

Arranging Childcare

For information about what childcare is available in your area, please contact your local authority's Family Information Service (FIS). Caring for children can be unpredictable at the best of times and there may be occasions when you need to arrange for your children to attend a childcare setting or activity-based programme.

There is a range of registered or approved quality childcare services available across the country providing safe, caring play and educational environments for your children and offering opportunities for you to use them to support your family's needs.

When might childcare be needed?

Parents/carers may be working, training, or may just need some time to themselves. However, emergencies crop up from time to time or parents might need a helping hand so there is a range of services to help. Childcare can broaden children's experiences by offering them a change in surroundings, the opportunity to play with different toys, games and activities, and socialise and interact with other children and adults.

What types of childcare are available?

There are many different types of childcare available: childminders, nurseries, pre-schools, out of school care (before and after school), holiday play schemes and creches. There are also other options if care is required in the family home such as 'approved' child carers, nannies or babysitters.

Is it just for the under 5s?

No! Services across the country cater for children aged 0 -14 years. You can be sure Ofsted registered childcare providers are trained and are sensitive to the needs of individual children including those experiencing difficulties.

How can I afford it?

Well, your Local Authority information service can point you in the direction of different ways to help pay for childcare, such as free nursery education for children aged three and four, help for lone parents, teenage parents, working parents or students. Information is available on schemes such as Working Tax Credit, Care to Learn, Universal Credit and childcare vouchers.

Free Childcare for children under 5 years old

Childcare In England - eligible working parents of two year olds will now be able to access 15 hours of free childcare. All 3 to 4 year olds are entitled to 570 hours of free childcare each year, this works out at 15 hours per week for 38 weeks each year, or you can take fewer hours over more weeks if you choose so. Some 3 to 4 years olds are eligible for 30 hours free childcare a week, to see if you are eligible visit

You may however have to pay for extras such as meals, nappies or trips out. From September 2024, eligible working parents will receive 15 hours of free childcare (for 38 weeks of the year) from the ages of 9 months to when their child starts school and from September 2025 eligible working parents will be able to claim for 30 hours of free childcare a week from 9 months up to their child starting school.

Childcare in Wales - some 3 and 4 years olds could get up to 30 hours a week of free childcare and early education for 48 weeks of the years, if you are eligible for the Childcare Offer for Wales. This is made up of at least 10 hours of early education and up to 20 hours of childcare. Free childcare for 3 to 4 years olds is known as Early Education. The amount you will get depends on how many hours of early education your local authority offers.

Some 2 years olds can also get up to 12.5 hours a week as part of the Flying Start Scheme, this is not available in all areas so contact your local Family Information service or visit

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